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Goat Pens
10' x 10' Horse stalls will be available to house your goats. Pens will be assigned in order of receipt of paid entries. Cost per 10' x 10' horse stall is $26 for the weekend and includes 2 bags of pine shavings and pen cleaning. Horse stalls have dirt floors or stall mats with wood sides. Please bring carabiners and clips to hang hay bags and water buckets on the wire mesh window.
10' x 10' Horse Tack stalls are $10 for the weekend.
NO straw, micro-shavings or sawdust allowed per fairground rules!!
Additional shaving bags are available for pre-order at $8 each or you may bring your own shaving bags. No micro-shavings, sawdust or straw allowed!
View video of stalls HERE!
10' x 10' Horse Stalls & Tack Stall

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