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Who can show?

Any member of ADGA can enter a doe in our show as long as the goat is registered with ADGA. 

There is a difference between owner and handler. Owner is a person entering the goat in the show. Handler is a person who handles the goat in the ring, and it may or may not be the actual owner. ANYONE can handle and show a goat in the ring. But only ADGA members with ADGA registered goats can ENTER the animal in the show. 

Anchor 2

Can I sleep in my tack stall?

Yes, you can sleep in the tack stall. 

Anchor 3

Are showers available at the fairgrounds? 

Yes, showers are located inside the Restroom of the horse arena.

Anchor 4

Where do I dump milk? 

Milk dump is down the drain of the wash rack. 

Anchor 5

Can my youth show in the Friday youth show AND the open show on Saturday and Sunday?

Yes! Your youth can show in the Friday 2-ring Youth show AND the 4-ring open show on Saturday and Sunday. The open show is open to everyone. The youth show is only open to Youth under the age of 21 on June 28, 2024. 

Monthly meetings held 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm 

© 2025 Copyright Clark County Goat Association. All Rights Reserved.

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